Your Journey Starts Here!

Let's Go!

Let’s start by watching some introduction videos of our beloved university – Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris!

Wonderful! Isn’t it? Now let’s learn a bit of history about this university! 

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) is an education university with a rich historical background that dates back to 1922.

This means our university is going to have its centenary celebration in 1 year time! Therefore, do feel proud to be an UPSIan at such a timing where you will be part of history that will witness the 100 years celebration!

Standing strong in the heart of Tanjong Malim, Perak, which is just 80km from Kuala Lumpur, UPSI has two (2) campuses, namely Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Campus (KSAJS) and Sultan Azlan Shah Campus (KSAS), that are unique in terms of educational leadership based on its historical splendour and aspirations toward leading global changes.

To learn more about the university, visit the official website through this link: https://www.upsi.edu.my/

Academic Affairs

In this section, we will share the guides that you need regarding the university integrated online system, namely MySIS & MyGuru where you will be able to utilize it for various functions throughout your studies in UPSI.


1. Add / Drop courses
2. Request Deferment of Study / Withdrawal
3. Print the exam slip

link: https://eportal.upsi.edu.my/


1. Learning Evaluation
2. Assignment Submission
3. Lecturer / Coursemate Information
4. Forum
5. Learning Materials
6. Online Assessment
7. Private Message
8. Web Conferencing

link: https://myguru.upsi.edu.my/

For any enquiries or more information regarding academic affairs, kindly contact Academic Affairs Division at:


You may also address your respective enquiries to the specific units via the following email address or contact the hotlines provided on the right image.

1. Admission: kemasukan.bhea@upsi.edu.my
2. Graduation: pengijazahan.bhea@upsi.edu.my
3. Scheduling: kemasukan.bhea@upsi.edu.my
4. IT & Record: utma@upsi.edu.my
5. Examination: peperiksaan.bhea@upsi.edu.my

For international students, all tuition fees / fines/ summons payment can be made online via UPSI ePayment Portal.

Here are the guidelines on how to use the portal: UPSI ePayment User Manual.

If you face any problems during your transactions, please contact:

Bursary Office (Student Finance Unit)
Aras Bawah,
Kompleks Akademik,
Kampus Sultan Azlan Shah (KSAS),
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI),
35900 Tanjong Malim.
Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Hotline: 013 – 512 2040
email: ukpk@bendahari.upsi.edu.my

Library Access - Tuanku Bainun Library

There is a quote that goes by, “The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” Although the current condition does not allow us to pay a visit to this historic building, all you have to know is that this spot is undoubtedly the place to go if you are in UPSI! 

Still, the pandemic does not stop us from getting knowledge from the “nest of knowledge”, so here are some details about the library of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tuanku Bainun Library or more known as Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun (PTB) in Malay. The PTB has prepared various initiatives to make it possible for all of us, “Anak Kandung Suluh Budiman”, to access the resources digitally at the comfort of our home.

How to Find Journal Article
Click Here
eXAM - Examination Paper Repository
Click Here
Browse, Borrow & Enjoy
Click Here

Visit the PTB website now!